Sequence-to-Sequence Acoustic Modeling with Semi-Stepwise Monotonic Attention for Speech Synthesis



Encoder-decoder with attention has become a popular archi- tecture to achieve sequence-to-sequence (Seq2Seq) acoustic modeling for speech synthesis. To improve the robustness of attention mechanism, the methods utilizing the monotonic alignment between phone sequences and acoustic feature sequences have been proposed, such as stepwise monotonic attention (SMA). owever, the phone sequences derived by grapheme-to-phoneme (G2P) conversion may not contain the pauses at the phrase boundaries in utterances, which challenges the assumption of strictly stepwise alignment in SMA. Therefore, this paper proposes a semi-stepwise monotonic atten- tion (SSMA) to improve the performance of Seq2Seq speech synthesis when phrase boundaries are not available in both training and synthesis stages. In this method, hidden states are introduced which absorb the pause segments in utterances in an unsupervised way. Thus, the attention at each decoding frame has three options, moving forward to the next phone, staying unmoved, or jumping to a hidden state. Experimental results show that SSMA can achieve better naturalness of synthetic speech than SMA when phrase boundaries are not available. Besides, the pause positions derived from the alignment paths of SSMA matched the manually labelled phrase boundaries quite well.

Audio Samples

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